September 26 Dallas, Texas – Lounge on Elm w/ Yam, Maleveller

Buc ‘ees: A colossal gas station we somehow managed to stumble upon along the route from Houston to Dallas. I’m here to tell you, it may be the best gas station experience I’ve ever had on tour. The place was like wal-mart sized and super clean. Probably brand new. Their mascot is a cartoonish beaver and his mug is plastered everywhere. It reminded me of Wally the moose from
Vacation. The bathrooms were immaculate - every stall had it’s own hand sanitizer! The loot inside this place varied from corny to bizarre to
amazing. In front of the store they had all these custom built iron smokers, grills and fryers in all sorts of sizes and varieties. They looked like works of art I tell ya. Some lady gave CK a sample of their own
candied jalepeno dip. After hundreds of shitty, mundane, banal, carbon copy gas stations this place was like heaven. Plus they had Topo Chico for next to nothing. I got a leather wolf wallet.
I’d like to mention at this point that I had pictures of all this amazing goodness but after our show in Austin I somehow managed to lose the memory card from my camera. It makes no sense and I’m super pissed so leave me alone about it. No, I have no idea how the card could have fallen out. Yes, I had fucking video of Grand Champeen. And Buc’ees. And like a billion other cool shots. Fuck.
Anyway we drove to Dallas on this day. Other then the aforementioned stop it was fairly uneventful. Oh I did meet up with my good buddy Holden earlier that morning for tacos. And we did stay at Eric and Virginia’s house, which is always super special. They treat bands that travel through to fine cheeses, fruit, excellent booze and some delicious egg and soy chorizo breakfast. Not to mention wonderfully comfortable bunk beds. Eric owns and operates Uncle Booking. It’s people like them that make touring a lot of fun. They also have great pets and know a lot about music.
OK, Dallas. CK worked her magic and pricelined us our finest hotel stay yet, the Doubletree. We was on the sixth floor with a lovely skyline view of Dallas, homie. I couldn’t get that fucking theme song out of my head.
You know the one. Seriously this room was really nice. Also visible: the Hawaii Spa across the street. Shady rub and tug within walking distance. I used to have pictures…
What is it with Dallas and tattoo parlors? I ask because while we were walking around looking for something to eat I think we passed like 10 tattoo parlors in 3 square blocks. Take it easy with the ink, Dallas. We ended up eating at a place called Texas Tacos, which wasn’t really bad but kind of expensive. Everybody sort of ended up getting sides of stuff because the portions were fucking TEXAS SIZED!!!! Sorry. DM wins here because he got some sort of mashed potato concoction that came in a glass bowl jar. It was something. I took pictures but of course you will never see them. I’ll say this, he looked like he was crying the whole time he was eating. And not a happy cry, it was more like a scary, tears of a clown cry.
The club was hurting a bit. Mostly because the place had lost it’s liquor license a couple nights earlier. So the show was BYOB. It worked out fine though. The sound guy was super friendly as were the people that worked there. The show was made great by a number of good people who drove 45 minutes down from Denton to see us. Some nice people put video on
youtube for you to check out.
Later that night we returned to the hotel and I witnessed some crazy domestic weirdness going on in the parking lot of ye old whack palace. Basically it was drunk rednecks fighting.